Do you want to find out more about FL Studio software?
If you are looking for a program to make music, then I have a suitable recommendation for you.
This software offers you four different versions. Each of them contains a different number of functionalities.
What is FL Studio software and what is it used for?
FL Studio is a DAW (Digital Audio Workstation) produced by the Belgian company Image-Line.
Through this software, you can compose music and edit audio content.
First of all, I recommend that you download the FL Studio program for free directly from the Image-Line website.
Afterwards, if you like to create music with this software, I recommend the first version for 99 €.
If you decide that a certain version is not enough for you and you need access to more features, then you can upgrade to any better tier by just paying the difference. You can also buy each plugin individually if you don’t need the full upgrade.
Let’s see what the 4 versions of this DAW contain:
1. FL Studio Fruity Edition – 99 € Features:
• Limited playlist features
• No audio clips
• No audio recording
The Fruity Edition is limited and can only be used for testing. First of all, you don’t have audio clips, and you can’t record audio.
2. FL Studio Producer Edition – 199 € Features:
Audio recording Full playlist features 6 additional native plugins:
If you really want to test FL Studio, then this version is for you.
The Producer Edition only contains 6 plugins, but it is enough to make an entire music project.
You have access to the audio recording function, and in addition, you can use all the options in the playlist.
3. FL Studio Signature Bundle – 299 € Features:
Audio recording Full playlist features 13 additional native plugins
If you want to truly enjoy FL Studio, choose the Signature Bundle.
4. FL Studio All Plugins Edition – 499 € Features:
Audio recording Full playlist features All FL Studio native plugins (no VST)
The All Plugins Edition is the complete version.
• Lifetime updates
An option that Image Line offers is lifetime updates.
This means that when you purchase any version of FL Studio software, you will receive every update for free for life.
This is one of the advantages of FL Studio software. You are probably wondering which of these program versions is for you.
• FL Studio Synths PluginsHere you have 50 plugins at your disposal.
These are the virtual instruments that you can insert into a pattern.
Some of these are synthesizers, others can be used for sampling or drums. There are 10 ways in which FL Studio classifies these plugins.
• Controller
• Drum
• Misc
• New
• Patcher
• Sampler
• Synth
• Synth classic
• Synth special
• Visual
Here is the full list of native plugins in FL Studio:
1. 3x Osc
2. Autogun
3. BassDrum
4. BeepMap
5. BooBass
6. Dashboard
7. DirectWave
8. Drummaxx
9. Drumpad
10. FL Keys
11. FL Studio Mobile
12. FLEX
13. FPC
14. Fruity Kick
15. Fruity Dance
16. Fruity DrumSynth Live
17. Fruity DX10
18. Fruity Envelope Controller
19. Fruity Granulizer
20. Fruity Keyboard Controller
21. Fruity Slicer
22. Fruity Video Player
23. Fruity Voltage Controller
24. GMS
25. Harmless
26. Harmor
27. Layer
28. MIDI Out
29. MiniSynth
30. Morphine
31. Ogun
32. Patcher
33. Plucked
34. PoiZone
35. ReWired
36. Sakura
37. Sampler
38. Sawer
39. SimSynth
40. Slicex
41. SoundFont Player
42. Sytrus
43. Toxic Biohazard
Certainly, it’s my favourite synthesizer in FL Studio. I like it because it has a wide range of oscillators and provides many sound-shaping options.
I have created over 1000 presets for this VST, and you can download some of them for free on this website.
44. Transistor Bass
45. VFX Color Mapper
46. VFX Envelope
47. VFX Key Mapper
48. VFX Keyboard Splitter
49. VFX Level Scaler
50. Wave Traveller
• FL Studio Effects Plugins
Here I will list all the plugins in FL Studio that can be inserted into the mixer.
These can be different effects such as delay, reverb, or equalizers. Here are the categories that the plugins listed below belong to.
• Controller
• Delay & Reverb
• Distortion
• Dynamics
• Filter
• Flanger
• Gain
• Misc
• New
• Patcher
• Visual
The list contains a total of 71 plugins.
1. Control Surface
2. Distructor
3. Edison
4. Effector
6. Frequency Shifter
7. Frequency Splitter
8. Fruity Balance
9. Fruity Big Clock
10. Fruity Blood Overdrive
11. Fruity Chorus
12. Fruity Compressor
13. Fruity Convolver
14. Fruity dB Meter
15. Fruity Delay 2
16. Fruity Delay 3
17. Fruity Delay Bank
18. Fruity Fast Dist
19. Fruity Filter
20. Fruity Flanger
21. Fruity Flangus
22. Fruity Formula Controller
23. Fruity HTML NoteBook
24. Fruity Limiter
25. Fruity Love Philter
26. Fruity LSD
27. Fruity Multiband Compressor
28. Fruity NoteBook
29. Fruity NoteBook 2
30. Fruity PanOMatic
31. Fruity Parametric EQ
32. Fruity Parametric EQ 2
33. Fruity Peak Controller
34. Fruity Phaser
35. Fruity Reverb 2
36. Fruity Scratcher
37. Fruity Send
38. Fruity Soft Clipper
39. Fruity Spectroman
40. Fruity Squeeze
41. Fruity Stereo Enhancer
42. Fruity Stereo Shaper
43. Fruity Vocoder
44. Fruity WaveShaper
45. Fruity X-Y Controller
46. Fruity X-Y-Z Controller
47. Gross Beat
48. Hardcore
49. LuxeVerb
50. Maximus
51. Multiband Delay
52. Newtime
53. Newtone
54. Patcher
55. Pitch Shifter
56. Pitcher
57. Razer Chroma
58. Soundgoldizer
59. Transient Processor
60. Tuner
61. VFX Color Mapper
62. VFX Envelope
63. VFX Key Mapper
64. VFX Keyboard Splitter
65. VFX Level Scaler
66. VFX Sequencer
67. Vintage Chorus
68. Vitange Phaser
69. Vocodex
70. Wave Candy
71. ZGameEditor Visualizer
In total, you have access to 121 plugins from all categories.
Of course, not all of them are complex, but you can combine them to achieve the desired result.
Have you tested any version of the FL Studio software yet?
If yes, please tell me about your experience with it. What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of this DAW?
Please leave me a comment below.